Today was pretty great;)
Read some of the birthday messages from my phone around 4am, and at the end of reading it all I feel so happy. Like you're on cloud nine. Then I went back to sleep happily hahaha.Woke up from a warm 'Happy Birthday!' from Mummy
♥ and a card and little gift from sis:) Went out for breakfast and otw home Mummy bought me flowers, sth she would do for me and sis annually:) I feel blessed hehe!
Logging on to facebook made me feel even happier. I read through all the birthday wishes on my wall, and kept smiling. This sense of happiness and like so blissful, esp those with special messages in it. I almost teared y'know hahaha! Thanks to everybody :D My second birthday on facebook. Remembered I was replying all the wishes in the hotel in thailand last year. Aw I miss bangkok;( All the shopping!
So today was also my operation date. Went to Mt Alvernia hospital. Local anesthesia. The injection was the worse, sharp and pain! I couldn't really see what was going on, cause my eyes were covered. But thank God for the soft christian songs the nurse played at the background. So I tried to focus on the music and listen to the lyrics, to help take away my mind from the pain haha. It worked, sometimes. I won't go into detail about the operation, but it was just painful. Even after it ended, I could still feel the sharp knife feeling. Ouch. And tomorrow's my follow-up! And 6 days later to remove the stitches. Hope all goes well:)
Went to Junction8 after that, had jap food! Yumyum. But after the meal, was too full to even move ;( And dad bought iced coffee from YaKun! Weee luvvvv. Bought sis' christmas present (it's a surprise, hopefully she doesn't see this!) What to buy for my for bro! It's hard to find gifts for guys D; Walked around then home sweet home!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE :DThis was quite awhile ago, when my hair was much much shorter hahaha!
And happy birthday to Vanessa Anne Hudgens! The only celebrity I know that shares the same birthday as me LAWL.
It's all about you, Jesus.
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