27 February 2011
Mixed emotions, I don't even know what I'm feeling. I wish my feelings aren't true. I wish it was all fake and just a dream. I hope that it wouldn't come true. But I can't say it out, 'cause words don't mean a thing anymore.
don't just exist, but live.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Lay me down on a bed of roses
I think cleaners in Singapore are probably one of the top most underrated jobs. I was having dinner outside today, and happened to see a cleaner clearing the plated off table before me. Thinking, what kind of experience would we be having when dining outside? It's this kind of jobs that we tend to overlook and look no importance to it. But it's these people who keep the environment clean for us to feel comfortable in. Cleaners in dining areas have to clear the plates and wipe the table for others to occupy. Imagine without them, we would have to bear with the filthy plates with remnants of food left on the plates while having our meals. I think they do play a importantly huge role for the society, but sadly are underrated. Which is why I strongly believe, no one is not important.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Here's the day you hoped would never come
So school's starting tomorrow.
Who's ready?
It sucks having to be awaken by an alarm buzzing while you're having your beauty sleep. What's more, having to wake up before 6am. Oh great, I forgot the usual timing I have to wake up to.
And hope seating arrangement doesn't suck :)
Who's ready?
It sucks having to be awaken by an alarm buzzing while you're having your beauty sleep. What's more, having to wake up before 6am. Oh great, I forgot the usual timing I have to wake up to.
And hope seating arrangement doesn't suck :)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Till then, 2010

Omg. must. hurry. publish. a. last. post. for. the. year. before. 2010. ends.
I'm like watching the countdown alone :( Everyone's asleep because have to wake up early for picnic @ ecp tomorrow. But I'm not! I'm staying up to welcome 2011, and 2011 better be nice to me!!!
Dad and mum took leave from tuesday to thursday so we could do some stuffs together before the year ends. Went to places we never really did before. Tuesday went to chinatown to walk around. Boring as hell. Wednesday went to City Plaza @ Paya Lebar. It looks pretty bad and rundown but filled with many many treasures if you searched carefully hehe. So yeah, bought quite alot of stuffs. It's all been typed in my twitter. Jeggings, prettaye blouse, a pair of flats, and a pair of heels. AHHH! Thursday stayed home, lmao. Did nothing much, but Granny came over.
Today, which was new year's eve.. Went to play badminton at the CC. It's been so long I got tired after a tough game with dad for 20 mins. After the badminton session, went home to bathe. Then went to sleep for the third time of the day! Is it crazy? :s I still feel tired, although all my sleeps lately, were really deeeep sleep lol. Woke up to go tamp mall for dinner and sis needed to find some book. Then nom nom icecream then home!
Today, everyone would be like "OMG 2011!!! SO EGGCITED!! AHH!! WOO!!"
Then tomorrow, everyone would probably be "Ahh, just another day."
Worse still, when tuesday comes.... I don't have to say right? Hahaha.
And I hope there's no cca on the first day of school which so suay, happens to fall on a tuesday. Why cannot postpone to wednesday?
Okay, so 2010 in a nutshell.
2010 was a pretty tough year for me. Lots of things to deal with. New things. Heartaches, happy times, rollercoster moods and all. Which I could say was really tough, to deal things myself. New friends, because of a new class and all. Cca leadership role, which I have to say, super tough with the sec ones. I really can't wait for 2011 April-May's period, where I can just let go of all the leadership roles in school. Step down from the council board, and band. Can't wait for that.
Anyway time will pass really super super fast next year. Because there's probably so much to do and accomplish. With the Os drawing near, I should really start drawing up my plans for the year and exercise some self-discipline. So, kidsloveradio, facebook, twitter, tumblr, don't get stuck in my head and stay far away from me, please :(
I actually have so much more to say but I can't find the right words to write it all here. And anyway, it would take me forever. So, I'm gonna write till here. The last post for the year. Till then. See y'all next year.
Gonna go watch my countdown now, alone. Forever alone.
Daiyangtian's out!! Singing!!!
HAPPY 2011!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet
Happy Boxing Day!
So this was what I got for Christmas from dear sis. Love it so much! Now I can lounge anywhere in the house of course, with this soft cutie. Heeeeeee. But too bad, the holidays are coming to an end.
There's less than 9 days including today. Oh wow time really flies when you're
And in less than 9 days, she ^ will be a senior hahahahahahahahaha. And not just any sec 2/sec 3 senior, but a sec 4 senior. Muahahahahahahaha. Can't wait to see 2011's batch of sec ones, lol. Hopefully their cute and not any existences of any bimbotics little girls or little ah-bengs. :)
So, yesterday was Christmas. And what I've been anticipating for the wholeee year. Since 26 December 2009. Spent the day with loved ones, family. Went for Christmas lunch at mum's friend's place which was at Pinnacle @ Duxton. Quite a wow place, taking in that it's actually not a condo. But do you classify that as HDB? Anyway, it was really quite a view. They stayed at 41 floor so you can have free breeze coming in all the time. Went up to the sky garden at the 50th floor. Halfway it kind of showered, and since it was so high you could look across and see misty areas that was already experiencing heavy showers which was really cool.
After the christmas lunch and sight-seeing, headed off to Serangoon's NEX mall. I actually twitted something, but failed to send. Anyway, I was saying that there was food everwhere in NEX. I mean everywhere. And that kinda explains why Singaporeans are putting on weight, maybe me too ha-ha-ha. Subway for dinner, Italian BMT double-meat!!!!! Then starbucks, ohmailove.
Headed back to bedok at night-time to enquire about PS3 for the third time lol. And had a deal! Dad bought it for us three for Christmas. Hopefully able to find some nice games to while my 9 days away. Omg 9 days.................... :(
I WANT TO REWIND BACK TO THE LAST DAY OF STRUCTURE PROG! Can jump the dates whereby I have to come back for cca, thx.
Today woke up bright and early at 7am. Had to rush dressing up and a few bites of breakfast before cabbing and rushing over for church service. Enjoyed the service @ the Rock Auditorium thanks to bro and his friends for queuing up early for seats at like 6am plus. Instead of what we were going every sunday, the overflow rooms at Gallery West haha. Instead everything was live, instead of just seeing it on screen, although it's live happening at the Rock Audi. It was nice. Wore my new heels for the second time! After church went to Parkway~ Then home sweet home. Then afternoon nap heheeeeeeee.
Okay! Abrupt ending ha-ha-ha but anyways.. Hope y'all enjoyed your Christmas and may 2011 be a blast ;)
And... Help me click of my nuffnang ads! >>> Many thanks!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Blessed Christmas!

A quick snapshot and post before get dressed and leave the house!
Here's a Blessed Christmas to everyone out there! No Xmas cause you're crossing Christ out of Christmas. And of course, He's the reason for this festive season! :D
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Like memories in cold decay
I'm the kind of girl who's active at night. Not nocturnal, not whereby I sleep in the day and not sleep at night. But just active at night. Because that's when my whole family, except my bro is at home. So I mainly have lots of fun especially at night. But last night, before sleeping, while lying on the bed. I kept talking to my sis and making noises, then after awhile I realised that there was silence on the other side. She fell asleep :(
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