Hi Clar, this is like the first picture I can find when searching through your facebook photos that has both of us in it haha. This means, it's been awhile. Wow haha.
So anyway, today's your special day, 29th November. The day you actually let out your first cry! And the day you first appeared naked to the world. (LOL) So, just wanna wish you a happy birthday. So sad you had to go for cca the whole day! Anyway, I feel so nice now hehe :3 Because you won't even be in S'pore on my birthday!

Okay, so happy birthday

Today's also my little cousin's birthday! Okay, she's not really little anymore. Primary 6! Lol, still seems little to me and my sis hahaha. You probably won't see this. But, strive for straight A* for PSLE next year! Your results are like so far from mine. I couldn't even get straight As for primary 5. (I was almost there! Believe me. Actually I can't really remember.) All I know is, I'm not getting straight As naooo. So, happy birthday!

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