Today's 9th December, which marks the day of the married life between my dad and mum;) If not for this day, I would probably not exist in this world, sitting here in my room in front of a laptop blogging. Which means it's a pretty special day. I remember how I used to whine (probably many others, not just myself) about how we wished we didn't exist in this crazy world during the lowest points in our life. Life has it's ups and downs. I know how cliché this sounds. But true to its meaning, we face different mixed emotions through different phases of our life that we go through. Haha why am I even talking about this!
So, today's the 21st wedding anniversary for my parents. I wished I were around 21 years ago to see their wedding LOL. Anyway, I spent the whole morning after breakfast till 1pm doing a card for them. And here's the result!

I know, I know. I didn't know I could do this too.
And no, it's neither printed nor traced!!!!!!!!
And no, it's neither printed nor traced!!!!!!!!

So anyway, I'm gonna go East Shore hospital for a very minor operation ;(
Though it's really minor, I'm still scared cause it's my first time having part of my body cut open! Maybe I'm kinda exaggerating, lol since it's only a small spot. Haha but still!
Till then!
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